Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Enabling Arabic Search in MOSS


Here are some facts to summarize the above:

  • Word breaker is the component of MOSS Search that does stemming.

  • Word stemming (morphology) is composed of two things: morphological analysis, and morphological generation.

  • In turn, morphological analysis/generation is further composed of two things: inflectional, and derivational.

Word breakers for different languages come shipped with MOSS 2007. They are NOT part of language packs.

Stemming is off by default for Arabic (and some other languages). You need to enable stemming (at query time) from the Search Center. [see below]
Stemming for a specific language is triggered by the language used in the client browser. [see below]

Mike Taghizadeh's blog covers MOSS 2007 Search Capabilities. Two excellent blogs are worth reading about word stemming:

Moss Search Word Stemming Part I
Moss Search Word Stemming Part II

Enabling word stemming in MOSS 2007 - Search Center:

  • Being the owner of administrator of the site, go to Search Center results page. (you can issue a query to go there, or navigate to results.aspx page)

  • Edit the page: Site Actions -> Edit Page

  • Got to the Core Results Web Part, and choose to modify this web part

  • In the Web Part settings panel, check the option that reads "Enable word stemming …" under the Results Query options.

  • Click OK, and save the page or publish it.

Now you have your search ready for word stemming at query time.

Testing Arabic word stemming by setting Arabic as the default language in IE:
MOSS 2007 has been designed to choose word breakers according to the language of the client browser. Browser will send HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, with the default language set to MOSS. MOSS will in turn invoke word breaker for that specific language.
So to trigger Arabic word breaker, you need to change the IE language settings (Tools -> Internet Options -> Languages). If Arabic is set as the default, MOSS will invoke Arabic Word Breaker, and will do the stemming at query time. See the multilingual whitepaper above from more details.

Monday, June 23, 2008

MONK for Sharepoint , All Site documentation tool

Hi, i really found this tool usefullto make a full documentation for closing up the sharepoint project during deliverable phase to the client. It lists down almost everything avaliable to document and in browseable manner. It create sites mentionng sites , roles , features etc , everything u name it almost.

oh yeah i'll like to tell why developer of this app called it monk

" In the Middle Ages monks participated in all kinds of strenuous, monotonous labor, like copying the Bible by hand. In Dutch, we say that such work "is monk's labor" indicating a chore that really shouldn't be performed by a human being.

As software developers, we should always strive to avoid monk's labor by automating it. A good example of monk's labor is writing certain types of documentation, for example, documenting settings for an existing SharePoint deployment.

This is where "Monk for SharePoint 2007" comes into play. This tool is able to document certain aspects of SharePoint 2007 deployments in the form of HTML documents that are based on an HTML template that is easy to adjust. We have lots of ideas for extensions and improvements and love to hear what you think. You are all welcome to try Monk for SharePoint 2007 and make suggestions. If enough interest exists we'll keep posting future updates on our web site. "

List of Features

  • Documents site web parts
  • Documents site features
  • Documents site roles
  • Documents site lists
  • Documents list fields
  • Documents list views
  • Documents list content types

  • Generates HTML documentation
Now this is the DOWNLOAD link
Now lets see some screen shots that what you will get

MOSS 2007 Setup Accounts Guide

Hi , this is jst a quick guide. For MOSS 2007 installation i highly suggest that use each and every seprate account for admin , content access , farm search service and database accounts.

It will help u manage things easy , dont go for easy approach of using one account everywhere. It might cause allowing search to go into area where it shouldnt be allowed even.

No authority could be contacted for authentication."

my enviorment is based on VPC and my system is running vista 64x
1. Domain controller 512 MB RAM windows server 2003 and exhcange 2003 with OWA
2. Aplication server 1535 MB RAM and MOSS 2007
3. Windows XP VPC ( Dont take chance without checking it as client)

Everything was fine until i was having issue in viweing Sharepoint learing kit courses on windows server 2003 itself

My MOSS setup was based on NTLM setting. when i tried to browse the site from windows XP enviorment , i tried to login but got a error
"No authority could be contacted for authentication."

Its something i wasnt ready for, looked over on net for articles couldnt find one , than i tried someone suggesting this

The reason is that there is some corruption in Active Directory's entry of the computer hosting sharepoint. So we need to fix that:

1. You remove the sharepoint server computer from the current domain to a temporary workgroup. Restart it.
2. Goto Domain Controller and remove this computer's entry from there under Computers.
3. Again join the sharepoint server to the domain. Restart it.

Belive me my VPC was having undo disk option ON thats why i did it and i can asure u it works well, it wont break anything :) the problem was solved and i had a goodnight sleep , the thing happened at 12:38am i had a busy day which ended with this drama.

Hope no one gets these issues in real production enviorment

Sunday, June 22, 2008

MOSS 2007 Branding

MOSS branding a word that usally makes alot of tention around the MOSS developer and administrators. I should be starting this blog with this wide open topic but thats whats currently in my hands.

For quick start i will recommend go slow and steady , dont try to change MOSS 2007 look and feel dramatically.

There are two things which u can do to brand ur MOSS site.

1. Themes (basic colors and layouts)
2. Master page and core.css (Full power)

For themes these two sites are great.

Its free and it gives u GUI eniorment to customize the themes. more can be found on the site itself

Second tool is the great HTML theme generator called "Servé's Sharepoint Theme Generator "

"This tool takes an original style sheet from an existing theme.It then simplifies colors according to the number of colors you want. Remember that a default style sheet easily has 50 unique colors it in. Try to replace those with you company colors. It takes a while. You can tell this tool to simplify the color scheme to for instance 16 colors. Then you start editing the remaining 16 colors, until you are satisfied."

Now lets come to more power full area.
Master page and core.css

First understand the concept of MOSS 2007 Components. The well known MVP heather Solomon discribes its very well.
link ""

Micrsoft also provides help by providing minimal master page.

You will be needing the CSS chart with some pic to tell u where it impact !!!!
you can also find it at

Now for most of us those things are new but old 2.0 themes arent.
so here is something for all of us

Using ASP.Net Themes and Skins in SharePoint 2007

I know its not in depth but atleast it will take you to proper places for getting started.
Best of Luck in branding MOSS 2007. It can be done , nothing is impossible until u give up too early , all it needs is dedication , time and googling :D